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Cultural Center of Cape Cod


Gifts include:
Seven Bottles of High-end Bourbon
$100 value of Lottery Tickets
Handmade Nantucket Basket by Joyce L Kelleher
Cape Cod Handmade wedding bowl by Flynn Woodcraft
Mastering the Art of French Cooking Volume 1 & 2
Painting by Louann Corrado – “Marsh Saturday” Size:  11×14
Painting by Luba – “On the flats of the Cape Cod Bay” Size:  11X14
$50 Roche Brothers Gift Certificate
Elta Goldstein Necklace
$100 Gift Certificate to Sea Dog
Two tickets to any 2024/2025 Eventide performance
Round of Golf at Hyannis port Golf Club for a foursome
CBX 4 Zipcore wedge (Golf Club)
Private Garden Tour June/July 2025 with Mal Condon, “The Hydrangea Guy,” of his home garden with an opportunity to chat and an opportunity to ask Mal questions about his garden, accompanied by a champagne toast on his patio, followed by dinner at another private garden he helped curate. One of our favorite guest chefs of the Cultural Center, Sanjay Palit, will prepare a private authentic Indian dinner paired with a perfect wine at his home overlooking an iconic Cape Cod view. Dinner guests will include six guests: our Executive Director Molly Demeulenaere, Mal & Mary Condon, and Sanjay Palit.

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The Cultural Center of Cape Cod is more than a building. It is world-class, inclusive spaces that cultivate curiosity, creativity, and cultural exploration through exhibition, learning, music and events.

Visit their website here